Job Stresses of Staffs of Local Municipality in Regional Councils of Countermeasures for Children Requiring Aid in Local Municipalities ―From the analysis of free description―

2020 The Journal of Human Relations  
This research aims to clarify the condition and the features of job stress that staffs at regional councils of countermeasures for children requiring aid have. Based on the questionnaire targeted at staffs in 68 special wards and core cities, it was analyzed how the analysis of job stress examined in free description relates to their basic characteristics. This research was analyzed using text-mining. The results of the research revealed 7 clusters as stress factors, such as "lack of technical
more » ... nowledge", "difficulty of work except responding to cases", "cooperation with relevant institutions", "relationship in job environment", "difficulty of work about responding to cases", "responding to difficulties", and "parent support as a result of abuse notification". In terms of characteristic, firstly about sex, the possible stress factor for men is not being able to keep ones' pace, and for women it could be anxieties about responding to cases or the fact that they cannot get any advice. Secondly, stress factors for respective ages include, for 20's, the volume of work and confusion or adaptation to work, complexity and responsibility of work for 30's, coordination both in and out of office for 40's, difficulties of judgement and the fact that one cannot get sufficient effect from advice for 50's, and lastly, coping with abuse and the luck of technical knowledge for 60's. In terms of marriage, for unmarried staff, cases understanding and difficulties about parent and child could be the stress factors, and for married, shortage of time in order to balance work and family could be the factor. In terms of certified or not, for certified, the low quality of work due to too much work, and for not certified, coordination both in and out of office could be the possible stress factor.
doi:10.24501/jhr.25.1_3 fatcat:5ub5jxuk2rbwxjjl3nbmo6g5ea