2018 Genetics  
The properties of cell membranes are determined mostly by the types of fatty acids that they contain. Bodhicharla et al. report that a key regulator of membrane fluidity, the PAQR-2/IGLR-2 protein complex, can regulate membrane properties cell non-autonomously in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans since expression of PAQR-2 and IGLR-2 in some cells improved membrane properties in the whole worm. They show that AdipoR2, the human homolog of PAQR-2, can also regulate membrane fluidity cell
more » ... on-autonomously. Inferring continuous and discrete population genetic structure across space, pp. 33-52 Gideon S. Bradburd, Graham M. Coop, and Peter L. Ralph An important step in the analysis of genetic data is to describe and categorize natural variation. Individuals that live close together are, on average, more genetically similar than individuals sampled farther apart, but current statistical methods for inferring population structure cannot accommodate spatial information, leading to the assignment of continuous variation to discrete clusters. Here, Bradburd, Coop, and Ralph report a new method for categorizing natural genetic variation that describes variation as a combination of continuous and discrete patterns. They demonstrate that this method can capture patterns in population genomic data without resorting to splitting populations. Relationship between sequence homology, genome architecture, and meiotic behavior of the sex chromosomes in North American voles, pp. 83-97
doi:10.1093/genetics/ fatcat:7f3nebgtvbbgtc7unwqpnged2m