Sustainability In Space Composition Of Traditional Architecture Of Hot Arid Zones Of Iran

Farshad Kheiri
2014 Zenodo  
Iran Central Plateau encompasses a large proportion of this country. The weather in these flat plains is warm and arid with very little precipitation. Different attempts in architecture have been done to alleviate the weather severity of this area and create a living place compatible with humans' comfort criteria. Investigations have showed that some of the most successful approaches in traditional architecture of the area has been forgotten or are not being used widely. As sustainability is
more » ... ined as an appropriate solution for environmental, economical, and social disorders, this research is a try to demonstrate the sustainability in aforementioned architecture and based on these studies, propounds solutions for today architecture in hot arid zones.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1093167 fatcat:7vzjewerjfhqnmd6bwqjs32x64