Digital redemption of coupons: satisfying and dissatisfying effects of promotion codes

Richard L. Oliver, Mikhael Shor
2003 Journal of Product & Brand Management  
Coupons, in the form of"promotion codes", are now a mainstay of the online shopping experience, but online coupon redemption differs substantively from that in traditional retailing. Offline redemption of coupons is customer-initiated while Internet shoppers are usually prompted to enter a code towards the conclusion of the checkout process. This prompting may influence shopper perceptions and behaviors such as shopping cart abandonment. Results showed strong negative effects on price fairness,
more » ... satisfaction, and purchase completion in the code-absent group and positive effects on fairness and satisfaction in the code-present group. Presents implications for effective market segmentation through the use of online coupon codes.
doi:10.1108/10610420310469805 fatcat:lp6a7svbuzh67na7bnfysbu4mu