Socially oriented non-profit organizations in the "smart" life support system

L Logunova, E Mazhenina, N Nyatina
2019 Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Development of Cross-Border Regions: Economic, Social and Security Challenges (ICSDCBR 2019)   unpublished
The social practice reflects the intersection of people's social demands seeking to achieve comfort and safety in the living space and the potential resource capabilities of administrative organizational structures. The development of civil society shifts the development of institutional processes towards the "human" priority in the work of organizational city structures. The need of people to improve the quality of life determines the transformation vector of life support system, within which
more » ... lements with new functions are formed. The research problem is the definition of the role of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in social rules and meanings of functioning. The authors believe that NPOs meet the requirements of human centricity and perform the facilitation function as an element of the life support system. "Side effects" associated with the activities of socially oriented NPOs, their interaction with the government and consumers of services, which are an obstacle to the sustainable development of the life support system, are also considered in the paper.
doi:10.2991/icsdcbr-19.2019.158 fatcat:gfuspurg4fasbhjej3ceohhz6m