Record of Mortality

1904 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
whooping-cough, from 1.5 to 3.25; from influenza, from 15 to 24.25; from pneumonia, from 226.5 to 263.25; from pulmonary tuberculosis, from 157.75 to 172.25; from diarrheal diseases, from 36.25 to 48.5; from diarrheals under two years of age, from 28 to 38.5; from Bright's -disease ami nephritis, from 137.25 to 139.5; and from organic heart diseases, from 108.25 to 118. Among the diseases which
doi:10.1056/nejm190403031500908 fatcat:autwmdod45ddllmhnwg55bztea