Authoritarianism And Attribution Of Responsibility

Y.D. Chertkova
2017 unpublished
The relationship between authoritarianism and personality traits was studied in a sample of people (N=401, .9% -females) aged 18-78 (М = 26.58, SD = 12.91). Measures: 1) abbreviated questionnaire of right-wing authoritarianism by B. Altermeyer (RWA), adapted by the authors of the current study; 2) Level of Subjective Control (LSC) questionnaire and 3) the Free Will and Determinism scale (FAD Plus), shortened and adapted by the authors. Males have higher authoritarianism than females.
more » ... anism is related to some extend with the structure of the parental family. Age-related changes in the level of authoritarianism are non-linear.Gender differences in locus of control are only observed in internality in the area of achievement (it is higher in males). Females assess the freedom of will and unpredictability of the world higher than males. There are no age differences in these characteristics. No influence is found of the structure of parental family on the indicators of responsibility attribution. The parameters of the internal locus of control are mainly related to conventionalism: the internal locus of control corresponds to a higher level of authoritarianism. It is shown that the link of authoritarianism to internality is partly due to internality in family relations. The links between the indicators of determinism and authoritarianism are similar in their content to the links between authoritarianism and the locus of control, which is quite natural since the indicators of the locus of control and determinism are interrelated.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2017.12.7 fatcat:mlcsznlxonbk7fxay7noc4daxe