Combined face-body tracking in indoor environment

Xuefeng Song, R. Nevatia
2004 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004.  
subtraction is commonly used for tracking objects in outdoor environment. But it doesn't work that well indoors, because of the problems caused by illumination change, shadows, occlusion and targets' changing appearances. In contrast, color tracking is relatively resistant to these problems, but suffers from the need of initialization. To complete the specific human tracking task in indoor environment, this paper utilizes the specific human face-body structure, and tracks face and body
more » ... ously and cooperatively. The advantage of this approach is that it can keep tracking in some bad situations, when one of the parts is missing, which makes it more robust than single-part tracking. Experimental tracking results on a meeting room video data are given.
doi:10.1109/icpr.2004.1333728 dblp:conf/icpr/SongN04 fatcat:af4snqxf3bfbhbotibmhfg5vf4