A-57 河川水利用地域熱供給システムの性能検証・評価に関する研究 : (第8報)環境・エネルギー総合評価の枠組み検討と試算(学術研究)
Study on the Performance Verification and Evaluation of the District Heating and Cooling System using Thermal Energy of River Water : Report 8:Study on Framework of Energy Environmental Evaluation and Examination

Hideharu NIWA, Yoshiyuki SHIMODA, Masayoshi NAKAO, Daisuke NARUMI, Kazuhiro NAKAZAWA, Hisataka KITORA
2009 Technical Papers of Kinki-chapter Meeting the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
doi:10.18948/shasekinki.2008.0_215 fatcat:ksyfbtgctng4rgofnwmokksiai