Guest editorial

M. Kavehrad
1987 IEEE Communications Magazine  
Mobile and portable communications services rely by nature on radio technology. There is increased interest in providing wireless (radio) local access to the public network. This includes land mobile communication for metropolitan and suburban areas, mobile satellite communication for rural areas, and, of more recent interest, wireless communication between buildings or within buildings. T h e last application is an area of current, widespread interest and could eliminate the need for running
more » ... rds and cables within buildings. Providing wireless local access to the public network, and in particular digital voice or data transmission within buildings via radio, is the core of the special series starting in this issue. Since indoor radio communication is a rather new application, we start the series with two articles in this issue on propagation measurements and channel modeling that are essential to a better understanding of the in-building medium. They present two somewhat different views of the model. It is amazing how little we
doi:10.1109/mcom.1987.1093624 fatcat:of7ahjkuijadrolsgdcwakpn3i