New conformational properties of SH2 domain binding pocket

V. V. Hurmach, M. O. Platonov, Yu. I. Prylutskyy
2015 Ukrainian Biochemical Journal  
the conformational changes of proteins play an important role in biological functioning such as ligand-protein and protein-protein interactions. the aim of the work was to investigate the conformational movement of most represented SH2 domains. It was found that SH2 domain binding pocket includes both flexible and not flexible regions: the central area of the binding pocket is the most unflexible, whereas the pTyr-binding and hydrophobic zones are the most flexible. Results of the computer
more » ... sis revealed new conformational properties of SH2 domain, which are important for drug design. k e y w o r d s: SH2 domain, conformational movement, binding pocket.
doi:10.15407/ubj87.05.133 fatcat:4rlfnyzearfpra34fyst3htkrq