Physicochemical Properties of Room-Temperature Molten Salts of Symmetrical Tetraalkyl Ammonium Diisooctylsulfosuccinates

Takahiro Kawakami, Fumiko Shigematsu, Naoya Nishi, Masahiro Yamamoto, Takashi Kakiuchi
2004 ECS Proceedings Volumes  
Novel fluorine-free and water-immiscible room-temperature molten salts (RTMSs) composed of symmetrical tetraalkylammonium n: length o f alkyl chain, n = 4-8) and diisooctylsulfosuccinate (DOSS') have been synthesized. Density, conductivity, and water content o f the watersaturated RTMSs at 25°C have been measured. Cyclic voltammograms at the N""nnDOSS|water interfaces show that the interfaces are polarizable and the width o f the potential window at the N6 666DOSS| water interface is ca. 300
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doi:10.1149/200424.0519pv fatcat:esim7xgdfbfm3cxl54e3lhqeii