The Constitutionalism Movement in Yugoslavia: A Preliminary Survey

Winston M. Fisk
1971 Slavic Review: Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies  
One of the critically important trends in the government and politics of the East European Communist states in recent years has been the quite steady and rapid development in Yugoslavia of some striking forms of pluralization and institutionalization of power, and of some concomitant fairly well enforced legal restrictions on power. The development is often called by the Yugoslavs their movement toward "constitutionalism and legality." However, though Titoism has been much studied, this
more » ... ar movement, one of the most far-reaching and fundamental of all of the Titoist innovations, has received little explicit examination in Western scholarship, even in such a colorful manifestation as the exercise by the new constitutional courts of the power of judicial review over major legislation approved by the party. This article deals with the nature and dynamics of the movement and with some implications it may have.
doi:10.2307/2494241 fatcat:vn7dpghdlbcoff74ok5i5ehmuy