Reza Rejaie, Antonio Ortega
2003 Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video - NOSSDAV '03  
This paper presents a new framework for Peer-to-Peer Adaptive Layered Streaming, called PALS. PALS is a receiver-driven approach for quality adaptive playback of layer encoded streaming media from a group of congestion controlled sender peers to a single receiver peer. Since the effective throughput from each sender is variable and not known a priori, it is challenging to coordinate delivery among active senders. In PALS, the receiver orchestrates coordinated delivery among active senders by
more » ... ptively determining: 1) a subset of senders that maximize overall throughput, 2) overall quality (i.e. number of layers) that can be delivered from these senders as well as distribution of overall throughput among active layers, and most importantly 3) required packets to be delivered by each active sender in order to effectively cope with any sudden change in throughput from individual senders. We describe PALS framework, identify key components of the framework and their interesting design challenges, present sample solution for the key components, and present our preliminary results.
doi:10.1145/776345.776347 fatcat:otihnyeodvedrnpqjpz3m254oe