Social reproduction of generations in the face of digital challenges

Oleg Sirotkin, Raisa Chumicheva, Irina Kulikovskaya, Liudmila Kudinova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article describes the global processes that are transforming the world (migration and integration processes, inclusive education, digitalization of education, socio-psychological gap between generations, etc.). Global tendencies have changed the social space of people's life - "cultural gaps", "social bottom", "spiritual crisis of parent-child relations and intergenerational ties", etc. have appeared, as modern challenges of society, affecting the social reproduction of generations. The
more » ... lem of social reproduction, the significance of which is associated with the need for the development of sociality, the construction of the social world in the event chronotope, has been actualized; preservation of the social and historical memory of the people, the self-identity of the national community, the "core" of the spiritual image of the nation, etc. A powerful challenge in modern society is digitalization, which has changed the forms of communication and social roles, created a new virtual space for self-presentation, self-expression, while the risk is the loss of cultural identity, blurring the lines between generations, etc. The article presents the mechanisms of integration of traditional and digital technologies of social reproduction of generations, the difference of which lies in the actualization of children's interest in the historical and cultural values of the people, in the organization of joint activities to create virtual historical museums, etc. Social reproduction of generations is a complex and long-term process, the success of which depends on the unity of activities in the professional, parenting and children's community.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202127310022 fatcat:pkzn3ummnfgppj3cufsu2k27eq