Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma Misdiagnosed as Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Sonali Vinay Kumar
2020 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  
A 55-year-old male patient reported with complaints of occipital headache since two and a half years and protrusion of both eyes since two years. Occipital headache was intermittent and not associated with ocular complaints. There was no history of fever/ weight loss/night sweats. For this he consulted a physician at the time of presentation and he was evaluated. On evaluation he was found to have bicytopenia (leucopenia and thrombocytopenia) and normocytic anaemia. Bone marrow biopsy showed
more » ... ercellular erythroid hyperplasia with no blast cells. Based on peripheral blood smear and bone marrow biopsy report he was diagnosed to have Myelodysplastic syndrome. Since he had no other complaints other than occipital headache and his haemoglobin was 11 gm/dL, patient was advised close observation and monitoring. Meanwhile he developed painless, progressive and outward protrusion of both eyes since two years. He also noticed a mass in both eyes with redness over white part of eye since two years which was gradually increasing in size. There was no history of irritation, discharge, ocular injury or any ocular surgical intervention.
doi:10.7860/jcdr/2020/43617.13624 fatcat:empe3pa4kjfsllzfsqdu3etqfq