Modelling for Water Management: First calibartion of Yield-SAFE for Irrigated maize in Mediterranean regions

Martina Mayus, Joao Palma, Sevilay Topçu, Cevat Kirda, Felix Herzog, Herman Van Keulen
2007 GIL Jahrestagung  
In theM editerraneanregion,carefulm anagementofwater and nitrogen utilizationi sr equired to achieve high crop yieldsi nasustainablea nd economic way. Prediction models are usefult ools ford erivings ite/region-specifico ptimum management strategies fori rrigation andn itrogen use. Yield-SAFE, as imple and robust modelf or growth and resource use in agroforestrys ystems,s imulates crop yields under rainfed andi rrigated conditions. Thisp aper represents ar efined calibration with respect to
more » ... luxes of water, based on, data from an irrigation/fertilisation experimentw ith maizei nt he South-Easto fT urkey. The modelp erformss atisfactorily andf urther development will includede nitrogen leachingcalibrationand validation.
dblp:conf/gil/MayusPTKHK07 fatcat:5uf5c2gvkba2lnnedgvz63paqi