A Multilevel Iteration Method for Solving a Coupled Integral Equation Model in Image Restoration

Hongqi Yang, Bing Zhou
2020 Mathematics  
The problem of out-of-focus image restoration can be modeled as an ill-posed integral equation, which can be regularized as a second kind of equation using the Tikhonov method. The multiscale collocation method with the compression strategy has already been developed to discretize this well-posed equation. However, the integral computation and solution of the large multiscale collocation integral equation are two time-consuming processes. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a fully
more » ... te multiscale collocation method using an integral approximation strategy to compute the integral, which efficiently converts the integral operation to the matrix operation and reduces costs. In addition, we also propose a multilevel iteration method (MIM) to solve the fully discrete integral equation obtained from the integral approximation strategy. Herein, the stopping criterion and the computation complexity that correspond to the MIM are shown. Furthermore, a posteriori parameter choice strategy is developed for this method, and the final convergence order is evaluated. We present three numerical experiments to display the performance and computation efficiency of our proposed methods.
doi:10.3390/math8030346 fatcat:6d6i4gnwozhq5mhcgxbzsomfb4