Adapting the Green Pyramid Rating System for Assessing Zero Energy Concept on Neighborhoods Level

Mostafa Abd El-Hafeez, Ashraf El-Mokadem, Islam Sallam, Basma Nashaat
2014 Port-Said Engineering Research Journal  
Countries face challenges in changing their risky and costly systems of fossil fuel usageinto sustainable development. So many communit ies started using Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools since the turn of 21 st century. Countries utilize these tools to measure their success in approaching sustainable development goals. Each tool is accommodated to suite its environment. For examp le, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)Rat ing System is concerned on energy and gives
more » ... ower value to water while Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS) does exactly the opposite. On the other hand there isn't a comprehensive neighborhoodrating system in Egypt. This paper proposed a Green Pyramid Neighborhood Rating System, which is based on the original GPRS to assess zero energy concepts on neighborhood level counting building, infrastructure, street network, sidewalks, facilit ies and commun ity development. This rating system can help architects in designing sustainable communit ies by defining the weight of every category and point.
doi:10.21608/pserj.2014.46819 fatcat:g74hbesl3jhcrn7qv2zv6vhiqu