P.C.S. Jeaffreson
1872 The Lancet  
ANYONE who has succeeded in maintaining even a small salt-water aquarium in working order will know the difficulties and the pleasures that attend it. There is, first of all, the due adjustment of the balance between animal and vegetable life by the proper arrangement of both forms in the tank, to say nothing of the various disturbing causes which may give rise to the death of an animal or plant and the poisoning of the aqueous medium, on the purity of which the life of both depends. We are
more » ... le to do more at present than call attention to the splendid aquarium at the Crystal Palace; but it is only due to the great and
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)63956-x fatcat:soh6trmqvzdivchiupm43w63ii