A comparison of karateka's and judoka's foot arch dynamics

Jan Šenkýř, Jitka Čihounková, Zdenko Reguli
2016 Physical Activity Review  
The benefits of barefoot walking is widely known. Our purpose was to examine the foot arch dynamics of sportsmen, who perform barefooted. The research sample consists of 25 skilled male judoka and 25 karateka (age 18-32 years, minimum 6 hours of training a week). We used navicular drop test to determine the level of foot arch dynamics. Results showed the significant differences between left and right foot of judoka and karateka and between two groups of participants as well (judoka´s foot arch
more » ... ynamics is bigger than karateka´s). The differences could be caused by different way of shifting, different softness of the mats and different dynamics of each performance.
doi:10.16926/par.2016.04.21 fatcat:6xpvtpzgrbc45kol6gjeywuomi