VUV photochemistry of PAHs trapped in interstellar water ice

J. Bouwman, H.M. Cuppen, L.J. Allamandola, H. Linnartz
2011 EAS Publications Series  
The mid-infrared emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is found in many phases of the interstellar medium. Towards cold dense clouds, however, the emission is heavily quenched. In these regions molecules are found to efficiently freeze-out on interstellar grains forming thin layers of ices. PAHs are highly non-volatile molecules and are also expected to freeze-out. PAHs trapped in interstellar ices are likely to participate in the overall chemistry, leading to the formation of cations
more » ... complex molecules in the solid-state. The work presented here aims to experimentally study the chemical reactions that PAHs undergo upon vacuum ultraviolet irradiation when trapped in interstellar H2O ice.
doi:10.1051/eas/1146027 fatcat:cadesq26fbfz3ct5hnt3qd2the