Hydrargyrum Cum Creta

1842 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
Suggestion in making several pharmaceutical preparations which require heat in the formation. It is believed that lobelia inflata has yet to receive from professional men that share of attention which it deserves, and it is hoped by presenting to the practitioner the virtues of the plant in a<condensed form, that he will take up the subject. Acetous Extract of Lobelia infiata.-Take of lobelia seed, bruised, eight ounces ; diluted alcohol, four pints ; acetic acid, one fluid ounce. Macerate the
more » ... ruised seed in the diluted alcohol, to which the acetic has been added, for forty-eight hours, then throw the whole on a displacement filler, and after the liquid has ceased to pass, add sufficient diluted alcohol, that four pints of tincture shall be obtained. Evaporate this by means of a water bath, until it attains the consistence of an extract.
doi:10.1056/nejm184208240270307 fatcat:qdn7xuzxzbf4vo6tgziy37jrye