Color image segmentation using wavelet

Samer kaisJameel, Ramesh R. Manza
2012 International Journal of Applied Information Systems  
In this paper, we discussed color image segmentation by extract the optimal features with which to discriminate between regions. Many real or texture images are made up of smooth regions and are best segmented using features in different areas. Schemas that select the optimal features for each pixel using wavelet analysis are proposed, leading to robust segmentation algorithm. Using two dimensions wavelet transforms to decompose the image into subbands channels and made up the of smooth image
more » ... d convert the image into NTSC color space enables us to quantify the visual differences in the image, and then applies a clustering technique to partition the image into a set of "homogeneous" regions is also proposed.
doi:10.5120/ijais12-450134 fatcat:c3jyoyh4qnco7c63ggb4zjqjji