Multilayer test masses to enhance the collapse noise

Matteo Carlesso, Andrea Vinante, Angelo Bassi
2018 Physical Review A  
Recently, a non-thermal excess noise, compatible with the theoretical prediction provided by collapse models, was measured in a millikelvin nanomechanical cantilever experiment [Vinante et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110401 (2017)]. We propose a feasible implementation of the cantilever experiment able to probe such a noise. The proposed modification, completely within the grasp of current technology and readily implementable also in other type of mechanical non-interferometric experiments,
more » ... sts in substituting the homogeneous test mass with one composed of different layers of different materials. This will enhance the action of a possible collapse noise above that given by standard noise sources.
doi:10.1103/physreva.98.022122 fatcat:z7hejua3pvdlljsutc4egcpz4y