Announcement of the NSS-MIC 2004 congress

A. Del Guerra
2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37515)  
represents a unique appointment for scientists and engineers from all over the world to participate and present their original works in a variety of subjects related to nuclear science and medical imaging. The Nuclear Science Symposium offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers interested or actively working in the field of nuclear science, radiation instrumentation, software and their applications to meet and network with colleagues from around the world. The Medical
more » ... Conference is the most productive international scientific meeting on the physics, engineering, and mathematical aspects of nuclear medicine based imaging. In addition, significant contributions in X-ray and other imaging modalities involving ionizing radiation are an emerging area of the MIC. The Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems (SNPS) will again be held in conjunction with the Nuclear Science Symposium. The Technical paper sessions on nuclear power systems cover subjects currently of major interest to the operation of nuclear power stations and supporting services and suppliers. The RTSD workshop represents the largest forum of scientists and engineers working to develop new solid-state radiation detectors and imaging arrays. The training program for early stage researchers offers a great opportunity to increase knowledge and professional skills.
doi:10.1109/nssmic.2003.1352527 fatcat:7fwhjuntfngqbhhq2ejhgtvtue