An Analysis of Market Power in the Alberta Electricity Market [article]

Richard Paul Kendall-Smith, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Jeffrey Robert Church
The thesis analyzes the ability of suppliers to influence the price of electricity in Alberta. To do this, the thesis develops two structural measures of market power using data on hourly offer curves and market clearing quantities from the Alberta wholesale electricity market over the period September 1st 2009 to June 30th 2012. These market power measures quantify the ability that the larger generating companies in Alberta had to influence the market price in each hour, and are used by the
more » ... sis to characterize the nature of competition within the Alberta wholesale electricity market. The structural measures of market power are also used in a regression analysis to show how the larger generating companies in the market changed their offer behaviour as their ability to exercise market power varied.
doi:10.11575/prism/24831 fatcat:eviptalljzfh5ljzhtwqtq6nke