About Didaskalia Advisory Board Editorial Board

Caterina Barone, John Davidson, Gary Decker, Mark Griffith, Mary Hart, Kenneth Reckford, Oliver Taplin, Peter Toohey, J Walton, David Wiles, Paul Woodruff, Kathryn Bosher (+16 others)
2012 unpublished
Didaskalia (!"!#$%#&ί#) is the term used since ancient times to describe the work a playwright did to teach his chorus and actors the play. The official records of the dramatic festivals in Athens were the !"!#$%#&ί#". Didaskalia now furthers the scholarship of the ancient performance. Didaskalia is an English-language, online publication about the performance of Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music. We publish peer-reviewed scholarship on performance and reviews of the professional activity
more » ... of artists and scholars who work on ancient drama. We welcome submissions on any aspect of the field. If you would like your work to be reviewed, please write to editor@didaskalia.net at least three weeks in advance of the performance date. We also seek interviews with practitioners and opinion pieces. For submission guidelines, go to didaskalia.net.