Legal and Institutional Mechanism of Transparency: Bangladesh Perspective

Md. Shadat Hossen, Atiqur Rahman
2019 Zenodo  
Transparency Transparency means the continuous sharing of information, decision making, and implementation should be open. It is not sufficient that should simply be made available. It must also be reliable and presented in useful and understandable ways in order to facilitate accountability.[1]Information should be accessible in that every citizen can participate in the debates. Such information helps to ensure a level playing field and encourage the effective participation of all social
more » ... and partnership between different sectors. Transparency makes the institution and organizations more responsible.[2] Transparency refers to availability of information to the general public and clarity about government rules, regulations and decisions. Transparency refers to unfettered access by the public to timely and reliable information on decision and performance in the public sector. Access to accurate and timely information about the economy and government policies can be vital for economic decision making by the private sector. Transparency in government decision making and public policy implementation reduces uncertainty and can help inhibit corruption among public officials. Different Dimensions of Transparency Transparency is to be ensured different dimensions namely,[3] 1. Openness in public dealings; 2. Right to information relating to the service delivery process; 3. Right to information relating to criteria and their applications; 4. Right to information relating to public expenditure/contract; 5. Enactment relating to the right to information; 6. Code relating to access to information; and 7. Openness in the cost of the project, quality standard, etc Transparency in Bangladesh: Legal Mechanism Access to information is very much important for ensuring transparency in the administration. The easy access to information can create awareness about peoples' right and responsibilities of the government. People can take part in the development and decision-making [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3451501 fatcat:atggq7xszned3fnl5r6ozj5ctu