ROBIN: Activity based robot management system

Adriana G Wilde, Pascal Bruegger, Benjamin Hadorn, Beat Hirsbrunner
2010 2010 International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr)  
This paper examines the design and implementation of a system to support fire fighting exercises based on tools and ideas of pervasive computing. Through this development a range of technologies and conceptual tools were used, such as sensors, wireless communication, and the uMove programming framework; as well as contextawareness, situation management, and activity detection. In this development, the notion of implicit human-computer interaction was of particular relevance. The use of a
more » ... ming framework for interaction through motion was central, and this implementation is one of its proofs of concept, as it presented opportunities to improve it and recommendations to adapt it for future applications.
doi:10.1109/iuser.2010.5716736 fatcat:fha4ijw7jnff3ln3fiq33vzdfm