Recurrent Pregnancy Loss is Associated with Increased Red Cell Distribution Width and Platelet Distribution Width

Mansa kumawat, Huma Jahan, Rashmi .
2019 Scholars International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology  
The aim was to compare platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width between pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and pregnant women without a history of pregnancy loss. Methods: This was a prospective study to the evaluation of 70 pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and 70 pregnant women without a history of pregnancy loss in the first trimester. Results: It was observed that the mean RDW-SD of cases is higher i.e. 48.94 + 5.78 than
more » ... ols i.e. 42.87 + 4.49. The mean RDW-CV values of cases and controls. It was observed that the mean RDW-CV of cases is higher i.e. 16.90 + 1.86 than controls i.e. 14.93 + 1.02. It was observed that the mean PDW of cases is higher i.e. 16.07 + 1.45 than controls i.e. 12.89 + 1.00. Conclusions: An increased platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width with recurrent pregnancy loss.
doi:10.36348/sijog.2019.v02i11.002 fatcat:j4regqs4dvblbj4ycjygidqucq