Risk management of digital transformation under pandemic

Roman Zvarych, Viktoriia Homotiuk, Igor Rivilis, Yuriy Deyneka
2022 Herald of Economics  
Introduction. The defining feature of the normal functioning of social relations and the condition of sustainable dynamics of the country's development is socially responsible behavior of the individual, business, state. In times of crisis, socio-economic processes become unstable, social risks increase and deepen. It is important to ensure the balance of social processes by reconciling the interests of economic entities and society, balancing social proportions and achieving certain priorities
more » ... in order to prevent the accumulation of social distortions. In this aspect, the problem of social responsibility of economic entities through the formation of a favorable business environment is of particular importance. As a result, today it is important to study the process of corporate social responsibility as a tool of international corporate management in a crisis. Methods. The methodological basis of the research is a set of basic principles of management theory, crisis theory, as well as modern concepts of corporate governance. The solution of certain tasks was carried out using a set of general scientific research methods: analysis of scientific literature, logical-theoretical method (in establishing stages and approaches to social responsibility of business), method of analogy and comparison (in determining the scope and benefits of social responsibility), theoretical synthesis, classification, methodological generalization, systems analysis and synthesis (in the study of threats to sustainable business development in a crisis), expert assessments and scientific abstraction.The purpose of research is substantiation of approaches and stages of formation of social responsibility of business, assessment of business development in crisis conditions of fulfillment of goals of sustainable development, definition of macroeconomic problems and obstacles of international corporate governance and development of measures of systemic improvement of social responsibility of business entities.Results. It has been established that the theory of corporate social responsibility has gone through several stages: formation, business ethics and volunteering, enhanced links with sustainable development, motivational stage (environmental protection, environmental diversity and stakeholders), national institutionalization and the emergence of international standards. The approaches to the formation of social responsibility of business are singled out, in particular: the approach of corporate egoism, corporate altruism, social requirements, stakeholder approach and the approach of ethical duty. The development of business in crisis conditions of fulfillment of the goals of sustainable development, in particular in the conditions of pandemic and war, is estimated. Macroeconomic problems and obstacles to international corporate governance have been identified and measures to systematically improve the social responsibility of economic entities have been developed.Prospects. The prospect of further research is to focus on the problems of sustainable business development in the war and on the results of the implementation of social responsibility of business in the postwar period.
doi:10.35774/visnyk2022.02.142 fatcat:l7rzaodabrg5nfcqfds3444uc4