Fattening and meat qualities of young sheep in commercial crossing
Відгодівельні і м'ясні якості молодняку овець при промисловому схрещуванні

V. S. Yakovchuk, S. H. Stolbunenko, Ascania Nova", Institute of Animal Breeding in the Steppe Regions named after M. F. Ivanov - National Scientific Selection-Genetics, "Ascania Nova" Institute of Animal Breeding in the Steppe Regions named after M. F. Ivanov - National Scientific Selection-Genetics
2021 The Scientific and Theoretical Professional Journal "Scientific Herald "Askania Nova"  
To investigate the influence of commercial crossing between the Ost-Friesian breed ram-sires and the Ascanian Fine-Fleeced breed ewes on the crossbred young stock fattening indicators and meat productivity. Methods. Technological, zootechnical, hematological, biochemical, statistical. Results. An experimental study found that in crossbred and Fine-Fleeced ram-lambs, the average daily gain in the suckling period (90 days) was 266.7 ± 9.13 g and 240.0 ± 6.52 g, respectively. Thus, crossbred
more » ... mbs in the suckling period, under the same conditions, exceeded their counterparts by 11.1%. The average daily gain of lambs in the experimental group for the period from 3.0 months to 5.0 months of age was 180 ± 8.32 g, which is 24.1% higher than the analogs from the control group (145.0 ± 6.14 g). The control slaughter carried out at 5.0 months of age showed that the control and experimental groups lambs had: pre-slaughter weight -32.
doi:10.33694/2617-0787-2021-1-14-249-263 fatcat:5xumz3fsx5fl5mbv222zg427hi