A new Costa Rican salamander (genus Oedipina) with a re-examination of O. collaris and O. serpens

Arden H. Brame
1963 Contributions in science  
CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Los Angeles County Museum. Issues are numbered separately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientists and scientific institutions on an exchange basis. Copies may also bj* purchased at a nominal price. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for
more » ... he LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM CONTRIBU-TIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information and the form in which it is presented. Priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing with specimens in the Museum's collections. Manuscripts must conform to CONTRIBUTIONS style and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee. They may also be subject to critical review by competent specialists. MANUSCRIPT FORM.â€" (1) The 1960 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is highly recommended as a guide. (2) Typewrite material, using double spacing throughout and leaving ample margins, on only one side of 8 J /2 X 11 inch standard weight paper. (3) Place tables on separate pages. (4) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. ( 5 ) Legends for figures and unavoidable footnotes should be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. ( 6 ) Method of literature citation must conform to CONTRIBUTIONS style â€" see number 50 and later issues. Spell out in full the title of non-English serials and places of publication. (7) A factual summary is recommended for longer papers.
doi:10.5962/p.241013 fatcat:pa7bilog7bdpnhw2qakc5n4qpa