Justification of permissible deviation of performance of technological operations in process of feeding animals
Обґрунтування допустимого відхилення виконання технологічних операцій в процесі годівлі тварин

V. S. Khmelovskyi, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
2020 Naukovij žurnal «Tehnìka ta energetika»  
The issues of implementation of technological processes of preparation and distribution of feed mixture, according to the schedule of technological operations of the livestock complex are considered. The processes of preparation and distribution of the feed mixture are largely influenced by natural and climatic conditions, and accordingly, the daily performance of technological operations has certain deviations in time according to the routine of the livestock complex. One of the features of
more » ... processes of preparation and distribution of the feed mixture is the movement of the feed preparation unit between the feed storages under various weather conditions that affect the speed of the unit. Based on the results of evaluating the delay in the execution of technological operations in the preparation and distribution of the feed mixture, using the method of mathematical modeling, the influence on the productivity of animals was determined, justified optimal, from the point of view of zootechnical requirements, delay intervals in the execution of operations in which animals do not lose productivity and ways of their compensation are proposed when performing technological processes. The results of literary studies indicate that a delay in the distribution of the feed mixture for more than 10 minutes leads to a rapid increase in the loss of milk production of animals, and the time for their recovery is about 4-5 days. On the basis of the studies carried out, it has been proved that it is possible to compensate for the delays in the execution of technological operations of the preparation and distribution of the feed mixture by the time that falls on the mixing of the feed components, and can be partially or completely reduced, (provided that transportation operations are performed simultaneously, from the last load of the feed component and mixing). The calculation of the maximum deviation in the execution of the processes of preparation and distribution of the feed mixture, carried out by the method of mathematical modeling, determined that the maximum duration of the delay, taking into account the time to which the animals do not react, can be 22-27% of the preparation time of the feed mixture.
doi:10.31548/machenergy2020.03.089 fatcat:5gh7qf4qavfczm3u25k7cl5nrq