Zur Struktur der Vergesellschaftung tagfliegender Lepidopteren in Mooren Neufundlands (Kanada, Provinz Neufundland und Labrador) und ein Vergleich zu den Zoozönosen finnischer Aapa-Moore

Volker Thiele, FID GEO, FID GEO
Abstract: Peat bogs of different types characterize the island of Newfoundland. In the summer of 2008 and 2009 butterflies were observed on the ombrotrophic plateau bogs of the West Coast and on the domed bogs of the National Park "Terra Nova". In the presented paper the assemblages of butterflies are described and justified by the autecological complexes of species. In addition, the discovered assemblages were compared with these of semi-natural Finnish Aapa-Mires. These mires have similar
more » ... tat structures. It was found that more mire-adapted species occur in the bogs of Newfoundland than in Finland (8 species in Newfoundland, 5 species in Finland), but the assemblages consist of the same families (Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae). The preferred food plants of the caterpillars are often from the same botanical groups. The species prefer also similar habitats. Thus, there are clear parallels in the settlement of butterflies despite of the different species.
doi:10.23689/fidgeo-2984 fatcat:qutxb4l34rch7h6xw5o5xrkbqy