Achieving net zero status in South Africa

R Terblanche
2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
The purpose of this research is to determine how net zero buildings in South Africa can achieve net zero status. Net zero buildings are defined as energy efficient buildings with energy supply from renewable sources on-/ or off-site or through offsets. The Green Building Council South Africa launched and certified the first four buildings in South Africa under its Net Zero Pilot Certification scheme in October 2017. Net zero status can be achieved in waste, water, carbon and ecology
more » ... . The concept of net zero buildings is thus new to South Africa and certain barriers needs to be overcome. A semi-structured questionnaire was sent out to developers in order to establish the perceived barriers by developers. Net zero buildings still needs to be commercially justified in South Africa. Cost and lack of incentives are definite barriers. The National Building Regulations of South Africa is a barrier to the development of net zero buildings as is does not require buildings to aim for net zero status. Requirements from national authorities could greatly impact changes in the approach to developments. There is a knowledge gap in the construction industry of sustainable and net zero buildings in South Africa regarding the benefits, implementation thereof as well as the actual costs.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012182 fatcat:2ikf2rfbojg43imaijx67xbzl4