Hematological parameters and frequency of salmonella spp. in swabs of caiman yacare after of probiotics

Giovani Spinola de Carvalho, Alessandro Spinola Bérgamo, Vitor M. Aleixo, Alexandre C. Veiga, Luciana M. Moreira, Terezinha Knöbl, Mirela Caroline V. Oliveira, Maria Gabriela X. Oliveira, Ricardo M. Borges, Leandro N. Pressinotti
2018 Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais  
The C. yacare placed in breeding conditions have a preserved genetic pool, which requires the enhancement of its zootechnical characteristics to solve some obstacles. Among them is the natural occurrence of Salmonella spp. in wild C. yacare. To address this problem, some breeders have adopted the use of probiotics to reduce Salmonella spp. in the digestive tube of crocodilians. The purpose of this study was to verify whether the addition of probiotics in animal feed reduces the isolation
more » ... cy of Salmonella spp. in cloacal swabs and to assess whether the additive interferes with the hematology and the complement system. During an 18-month period, four groups of caimans received 0% (control group), 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% of probiotic supplement. The probiotics did not reduce the isolation frequency of Salmonella spp. We have identified directly proportional relation between probiotic concentration and Hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and inversely proportional relation to the total concentration of Eosinophils and Heterophils. Finally, we verify that the prolonged use of probiotics at 0.25% concentration is safe and increase the activity of the complement system.
doi:10.6008/cbpc2179-6858.2018.005.0006 fatcat:j2b6xhwbunhaxp5pte32dc4g2i