Improving the energy-efficiency of small-scale methanol production through the use of microturboexpander units

Aleksey Kuzmin, George Buslaev, Valentin Morenov, Sofiya Tseneva, Nikita Gavrilov
2022 Zapiski Gornogo Instituta  
The issue of improving the energy-efficiency of container-based gas chemical plants for methanol production in field conditions is considered. The relevance of the direction is determined by the necessity for development of remote Arctic hydrocarbon fields. The object of research is energy-efficient conversion of waste gases energy and surplus thermal energy in small-scale system of methanol production using technology of synthesis gas generation by non-catalytic partial oxidation of natural
more » ... . Approaches to the design and analysis of structural solutions for microturboexpander units are considered. A technique combining traditional approaches to the calculation of equipment and modeling by the finite element method in ANSYS is proposed. The developed methodology facilitates calculation of design parameters for microturboexpanders and allows taking into account peculiarities of working medium, thermobaric conditions and gas flow characteristics.
doi:10.31897/pmi.2022.104 fatcat:2txuduspb5cjzlljq3rmp3sada