Concept design for hybrid vehicle power systems

T. Hofman, R. van Druten
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005.  
Hybridization implies adding a Secondary power source (e.g. electric motor and battery) (S) to a Primary power source (P) in order to improve the driving functions (e.g. fuel economy, driveability (performance)) of the vehicle. The fuel economy is strongly determined by the energy management strategy, which determines the power distribution between P, S and the Vehicle wheels (V). In this paper the influence of the specifications for P and S on energy management strategy (EMS) have been
more » ... ated. The final objective is to determine the minimum required specifications in order to design new hybrid drivetrain technologies and topologies for future hybrid vehicles.
doi:10.1109/acc.2005.1470093 fatcat:2ns7wpmt7vf6ndiwvzqcn6oncm