Bolesław Wiewióra – pionier powojennej polskiej nauki o uznaniu nabytków terytorialnych

Szymon Zaręba
2018 Zenodo  
The article seeks to provide an answer to a question why the book Uznanie nabytków terytorialnych w prawie międzynarodowym (which translates to Recognition of territorial acquisitions in international law) by a Polish scholar, B. Wiewióra, did not receive wide acclaim abroad despite its scientific level being at least equal in quality to foreign monographs on the subject published at the time. It examines the life of B. Wiewióra, his scholarly achievements and accomplishments in the field of
more » ... ognition of territorial acquisitions, including their importance for Polish literature on international law.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6336131 fatcat:eezebbn77nhylggpd72cj2uuni