Problems of religious understanding observed among medical care practitioners

Yukikazu NARA
1997 Bioethics  
In Japan people are engaged in the search for terminal care that specifically addresses the current situation in this country , but medical care practitioners seem hardly at all disposed to seek cooperation from people of religion . At the root of this situation we find a narrQw conception of religion that attempts to separate from quite ordinary Japanese peopie what is broadly seen as " religion " in present − day society , and apply special significance to it . As a matter of fact , there are
more » ... not a few medical care practitloners who understand religion to mean having " a certain belief , " point out the tenuous conneGtion between religion and the Japanese , and evince doubts about collaboration with religion, But since ancient times the Japanese have had a Iooser relationship with re } igion , in which people combine a variety of elements from certain religions as the sustenance in their everyday lives instead Qf believing in a certain religiQn. The view of religion needed in Japan ' s terminal care should presume this tenuous relationship between the Japanese and religion , and assume a broad − based form that can take into consideration the religious sense o 〔 he Japanese, which comprises elements compounded from variou $ religion $, instead of a narrow view of religbn that suits only a mere handful of people .
doi:10.20593/jabedit.7.1_109 fatcat:qdjuxokemnaqvpvaqemesiyga4