Evaluation of the Reduction of Tsunami Damages Based on Local Wisdom Contermeasures in Indonesia

Fadly Usman, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Eko Setiawan
2016 Review of European Studies  
<p>Local wisdoms such as a traditional ethics, land-use system and others had sometimes mitigated tsunami damages in Indonesia. The effective use of those local wisdoms is strongly desired especially in developing countries, because it is quite difficult for those countries to allocate enough budgets for constructing hard type of countermeasures against tsunami. Among local wisdoms against tsunami hazard, this study evaluates the efficiency of a hollow topography which can be seen on the beach
more » ... long Lampon village in Indonesia. Artificial hollows are arrayed on the beach as one of the local wisdoms in Lampon village to reduce the intensity of inundated tsunami flow. The numerical simulation of tsunami inundation is conducted to evaluate the efficiency of this hollow topography. Furthermore, this study evaluates the efficiency of some contrivances, such a combination of vegetation area and a multiple-use of hollow and embankment topography, in order to enhance the performance of countermeasure based on the local wisdom.</p>
doi:10.5539/res.v8n1p157 fatcat:zbqz6x5ncvfe5keeqz32ng5pda