A Piecewise Control Strategy for a Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter

Sheng-Zhi Zhou, Xiaodong Li, Guo Chen, Song Hu
2018 Electronics  
An energy storage system (ESS) plays an important part in a renewable energy generation system for stable and efficient power harvesting. To realize the function of an ESS, a bidirectional DC/DC converter with high power density and high efficiency is highly desired. In this paper, a high-frequency (HF) isolated dual-bridge series resonant converter (DBSRC) with a piecewise control strategy is proposed for an application with a wide variation of voltage gain. The proposed control strategy is
more » ... ed on dual-phase-shift modulation for a balance between complexity and flexibility. With this proposed control strategy, zero-voltage switching is kept for all switches on the low-voltage side and half of switches on the high-voltage side. Besides, there is no circulation energy on the low-voltage high-current side for full load operation. A step-by-step design procedure is also included to calculate the converter components and control parameters. Verification of the analysis and design are performed successfully through simulation and n experimental test. Comparisons with some existing control methods are also made experimentally, which highlights that the proposed control strategy is able to achieve comparable performance as the reported optimal current control with simpler calculation and implementation.
doi:10.3390/electronics7120374 fatcat:qevdwdekwnhdpl5sh5ppzcwcn4