Fossil vertebrates from the late Pleistocene Ingleside fauna, San Patricio County, Texas [article]

Ernest L. Lundelius, Austin, The University Of Texas At, Austin, The University Of Texas At
ILLUSTRATIONS Figures-Page 1. Index map 2 2. Geologic sketch map of the eastern part of San Patricio County showing the location of the Tedford Pit 3 3. Cross sections through Tedford Pit showing the topographic and stratigraphic relationships of the fresh-water pond deposits to the Ingleside Barrier, Ingleside Lagoon, and the modern barrier and lagoon 3 4. Canis dims. Scatter diagram of basal length of skull vs. zygomatic width 12 5. Canis dirus. Scatter diagram of basal length of skull vs.
more » ... th of palate at P 4 12 6. Canis dims. Lateral view of skull .... 13 7. Canis dims. Ventral view of skull .... 13 8. Canis dirus. Occlusal view of mandibles . 15 9. Canis latrans. Palatal view of maxilla ... 20 10. Canis latrans. Scatter diagram of length vs. mid-width of P 4 20 11. Canis latrans. Scatter diagram of length vs. width of M 1 20 12. Tremarctos floridanus. Occlusal view of M 2 and M 3 21 13. Panthera atrox. Lateral view of upper canine 22 14. Smilodon fatalis. Lateral view of right mandibular ramus 23 15. Cynomys ludovicianus. Occlusal view of left mandibular ramus 25 16. Peromyscus sp. Occlusal view of right mandibular ramus 25 17. Paramylodon harlani. Palatal view of skull . 26 18. Paramylodon harlani. Scatter diagram of length of skull vs. width of post-orbital constriction 28 19. Paramylodon harlani. Scatter diagram of length of palate vs. width of palate between anterior lobes of fifth superior teeth ... 28 20. Paramylodon harlani. Scatter diagram of length of skull vs. width of muzzle .... 28 21. Paramylodon harlani. Scatter diagram of length of palate vs. width of palate between second superior teeth 28 22. Paramylodon harlani. Scatter diagram of length vs. width of anterior lobe of third superior teeth 29 23. Paramylodon harlani. Occlusal view of mandible 30 24. Paramylodon harlani Scatter diagram of total length vs. length of anterior lobes of the fourth inferior teeth 30 25. Megalonyx jeffersonii. Molariform teeth . . 31 26. Megalonyx jeffersonii. Caniniform teeth . . 31 27. Megalonyx jeffersonii. Dorsal and lateral views of right mandibular ramus 33 28. Boreostracon floridanus. Lingual view of left mandibular ramus 36 29. Boreostracon floridanus. Lateral view of pelvis 37 Figures-Page 30. Boreostracon floridanus. Lateral view of pelvis 39 31. Cuvieronius sp. Occlusal view of right M 3 . 32 . Camelops sp. Ventral view of skull .... 45 33. Scatter diagram of total length of skull vs. length of canine to P 3 in various specimens of Camelops 46 34. Scatter diagram of P 3 through M 3 length vs. length from canine to P 3 in various specimens of Camelops 35. Scatter diagram of minimum post-canine width vs. length from canine to P 3 in various specimens of Camelops 36. Camelops sp. Occlusal view of left M 3 . . 37. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal view of left maxilla 38. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal view of P 3 's . 39. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal view of dP 3 and dP 4 40. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal view of partial mandible 41. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal and labial views of P 4 's 42. Tanupolama mirifica. Occlusal view of juvenile left mandibular ramus 43. Tanupolama mirifica. Frequency histogram of crown heights of M 3 's 44. Tanupolama mirifica. Left lateral view ofaxis 45. Tanupolama. Scatter diagram of distance from the lower canine to P 4 vs. length of P4 through M 3 46. Breameryx minor. Occlusal and lateral view of M 3 47. Bison antiquus. Dorsal view of male skull . 48. Bison antiquus. Posterior view of male skull 49. Bison antiquus. Dorsal view of female skull . 50 . Bison antiquus. Posterior view of female skull 51. Tapirus excelsus. Ventral view of palate . . 52. Tapirus excelsus. Occlusal view of lower dentition 53. Tapirus excelsus. Occlusal view of juvenile lower dentition 54. Equus complicates. Ventral view of skull . 55. Equus complicatus. Occlusal view of upper dentition 56. Equus complicatus. Occlusal view of mandible 57. Equus complicatus. Occlusal view of lower dentition 67 58. Equus pacificus. Occlusal views of upper and lower teeth 69 59. Equus fraternus. Occlusal views of upper teeth Plates-L Boreostracon floridanus 40
doi:10.26153/tsw/5115 fatcat:4mwtepqoabbwhphid5g7pmkakq