1P245 Laser flash photolysis study on Photochemistry of Rhodopsin Mimics(18A. Photobiology: Vision & Photoreception,Poster)
1P245 レーザーフラッシュフォトリシス法によるロドプシンミミックの光化学研究(18A. 光生物:視覚・光受容,ポスター,日本生物物理学会年会第51回(2013年度))

Keiichi Inoue, Yuuya Ozaki, James H. Geiger, Babak Borhan, Hideki Kandori
2013 Seibutsu Butsuri  
6-4) photolyase ((6-4)PHR) is a flavoprotein that specifically revert UVinduced (6-4) photoproduct into normal bases. Recently, we reported structural changes upon photoactivation and photorepair of Xenopus (6-4)PHR using difference Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy [1]. Here we study detailed molecular mechanism of photoactivation and photorepair by combination of low-temperature FTIR spectroscopy, isotope labeling and site-directed mutagenesis. Three intermediate states are
more » ... ed during the repair process of (6-4) photoproduct, and the molecular mechanisms will be discussed based on the present vibrational identifications. [1] Zhang et al.
doi:10.2142/biophys.53.s146_4 fatcat:llvciknlwrdoxcff4c4z62ii3u