V. M. Piddiachyi
2019 Zenodo  
Forming the civic competence of a future teacher is the basis for building a civil society in Ukraine, which has its unique history of formation, traditions, peculiarities, achievements, miscalculations and shortcomings in the integration of citizens based on a commonly accepted unifying idea, an argumentated and coherent vision of a strategy for the further development of a human, society, and state. Understanding of the nature of a citizen of Ukraine should determine the content of the
more » ... of their purposeful training in primarily formal institutions including the higher educational establishments. The article analyzes the organizational and pedagogical conditions of forming the civic competence of future teachers. Based on the analysis of the approaches to the interpretation of the term "condition", the essential features that make up its content and scope are determined. The concept of "formation of civic competence of future teachers" is defined. It is revealed that the effectiveness of forming civic competence of future teachers depends on the creation of special organizational and pedagogical conditions that are characterized by their essence, isolated and disclosed components. The sequence of making a student as a cell of civil society is described. The characteristics of its stages are given. The peculiarities of forming an initiative group of performers for ensuring the functioning of the student cell of civil society, in particular, the creation of an organizational structure, organization of work, establishment of relations between performers and influence on them are considered. It is indicated on the peculiarities of the selection of means of work and technical support that will contribute to the formation of the civic competence of future educators. The content of the civic competence of the future teacher is specified. It has been established that the effectiveness of the functioning of the student's cell of civil society depends on the composition of the initiative group, the level of knowled [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2622467 fatcat:3nywjxihizf27bjskoksbgtlvi