Smart Attendance System Using AR Marker

Vishesh Jindal, Mohd. Suhail Khan, Vipul Sharma, Dr. Shishir Rastogi, Dr. Rajesh Singh
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: In the current scenario smartphones play a vital role in our daily life, In fact they are a part of our lives. Smartphones can now handle the majority of problems fast and easily. Every person's life has been made simpler and easier as a result of it.Basically this paper focuses on the problem which is faced by the faculties and students during the process of attendance and there are more chances of proxies in the traditional method (using pen and papers). The paper proposed a system
more » ... hat will use AR Marker technology and handle the problem for recording the attendance of the students in school and colleges. The suggested system consists of two applications: one for creating the AR Marker by entering class information via faculty, and another for scanning the QR code via students. The teacher will generate the QR code and present it to the students using a projector, after which the students will simply open the second app and scan the QR code to get their attendance. The Smart Attendance System is cost effective because it does not rely on biometric devices which are expensive. The paper explains how the system authenticates students' identities in order to prevent fraudulent registrations. By changing the QR code every five to ten seconds and just for five minutes, the system is able to reduce the proxy level. If any student fails to show up for class, the professor may display the QR code again. The system is in charge of managing and evaluating all students' attendance. In addition, the system will save the attendance data in XLS and CSV files for future use. Keyword: Smart Attendance System, AR Marker, Attendance System using QR Code, Software as a Service .
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.41977 fatcat:pcohkiwey5ewxadklpey2tvdu4