Molecular Cloning of Equine Muscle-type Phosphofructokinase cDNA

Tetsuo SATO, Takuya ITOU, Takeo SAKAI
2003 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science  
The complete coding region sequence of equine muscle-type phosphofructokinase (ePFKM) was obtained from skeletal muscle of a thoroughbred horse. The deduced amino acid sequence of ePFKM showed 97%, 96%, 96%, 96% and 95% identity to canine, human, mouse, rabbit and rat PFKM, respectively. The amino and carboxyl terminal halves of ePFKM presented a structure of tandem repeat, as other mammalian PFKMs. As the amino acid residues constituting various ligand-binding sites were also conserved, it is
more » ... hought that ePFKM has enzymatic activity similar to PFKM in other mammals. KEY WORDS: cDNA, equine, phosphofructokinase.
doi:10.1292/jvms.65.645 pmid:12808221 fatcat:uclwpibmk5ecfoljjdcp5fdwg4