Uppony Mountains: High Geomorphological Diversity Within a Small Area [chapter]

Gábor Demeter, Katalin Szalai
2015 World Geomorphological Landscapes  
Merely of 454 m maximum elevation, the geologically and geomorphologically diverse and still dynamic Uppony Mountains is relatively rich in geomorphic features (caves, pseudocaverns, gorges, horsts, scarps, landslides, karren, natural outcrops) created by diverse processes (valley incision, derasion, mass movements, karst formation, periglacial, pedimentation). This small mountainous area with its intricate geological structure is ideal either for field investigations in order to obtain broader
more » ... knowledge on the evolution of North-Hungary or to study both convergent and divergent evolution of forms generated on different rocks. Using a comparative approach, with an outlook to its environs, the quantification and numeric analysis of morphometric and lithological features combined with the traditional descriptive geomorphic approach promotes a better understanding of the area so important in the paleoenvironmental, paleogeographical reconstruction of North-Hungary.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08997-3_21 fatcat:usttn4c7sbgldiqxaamhmxlw6y